Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Day 29 Aroue-Ithorots-Olhaiby to Ostabat - Asme

My eyes were really playing up this morning despite me treating them
In line with the doctors instructions, now there is a first !!
I toyed with the idea of stopping to get home to get proper treatment but decided to stick with it and I am glad I did as I think things might be improving.
We were on the road by 0815, I was not sorry to leave that Gite !!!!

When this Camino is over this is what I am going to stick too !!!

The views today were to be absolutely stunning,

There was to be no rain thankfully.

The usual mixture of country lanes
and tracks.We only passed through one village.

The Pyrenees were getting tantalisingly

It was hard to believe that this walk was
slowly coming to an end.

Dog on a blog .

Hayfever city.

Well the Camino did have a surprise
in store for us, it was the views.

We stopped at Uhart Mixe for lunch.

The end was in sight.

We only had 7 km left to walk today.

It not take long for us to get to Ostabat-Asme.

We had a quick beer then found our Gite.

Find the socks time. I cannot believe
today is the last time I will have to wash them.

We are having dinner in the Gite tonight, I just prey it is better than last nights meal.

I am pleased to say it was, we had an evening of wine food and song with some good cheer thrown in.

What an amazing walk this has been and I feel extremely privilaged to have been able to do it, without the support of my family friends work and my dear friends who joined me along the way, it would not have been possible, a huge thank you to you all , we have raised nearly £5000 , if anyone is reading this and would like to make up the £100 or so shortfall to get us to the £5000 mark, I would be over the moon , ABF the soldiers charity is the winner, once again a huge thank you to you all.

I have walked with wonderful people and yet again made friends for life, sadly this will be my last Camino as I feel
It is time to hang up my boots , what a wonderful time I have had as I have lurched across Europe over the last three years, I hope you have enjoyed my story.

Once last blog tomorrow as I approach St Jean Piier de Port.

Stats for today.

Walked 13 Miles

12 miles to go !!!!!!!!!!


  1. Good luck for the home straight- fantastic effort and thank you for keeping us entertained with your blog- brilliant. Will miss spot the socks!

  2. Hang up your boots! What bollox...see you on the trails next year PJ
