Friday, 13 May 2016

Day 10 Embrousse to Livinhac- Le - Haut

I got picked up at 0900 by the taxi to be taken back to where I left off yesterday, if the smell of the drivers cheap perfume was not going to get me her constant checking herself in the mirror whilst hurtling through the narrow winding roads of the valley was, her speciality was holding her phone with no hands on the steering wheel using her legs to steer the car. I was relieved when she dropped me off.
I had arranged to meet Jean and Didier in the cafe at Noaihac.

It was overcast and misty when I set off.

I stop at every war memorial and pay my respects, seeing the long lists of names on everyone of them,
reminds me of the heavy price France paid in the First World War, it also makes me realise how relevant my walk is and the importance of supporting military charities.

The lads arrived about an hour later.

As always I am walking in the best of company, I have to say at that I have been made so welcome by all the French people I have met and the team above have really looked after me, from the left Jean Michelle Didier and Jean.
When we left the village we came across the local baker baking bread in an open oven, by the side of the road, it was delicious.

Dog on a blog time, could not get this little chap to smile.

Today we were going to be walking on roads for most of the tiime, which actually made for a pleasant change.

I have lost count of the crosses I have seen as we progress ever westwards

What I love about the chapels is that they have none of the finery you see in Spanish ones, just very simple.

Dark clouds heralded what was to come. We did not pass through any villages or towns of note.

I was ready for lunch when we stopped, out came the rolls meat and cheese and we shared our resources. Please note Union Jack on my rucksack.

The inevitable rain arrived.

This reminded me of my first Camino, I have not seen many flowers in the hedgerows on this walk.

We had been walking for eleven miles when we saw Livinhac in the distance .

You can see where the old bridge was.

I  checked into a Chambre D' hotes, which is basically a room in a private house. I cannot believe the owner left me in the house on my own whilst she was out working throughout the night.

I had a quick shower and did all my washing then went to the Gite where everyone was staying and had a wonderful fun evening with great food.

At the end of the evening the owner played the piano for us, my goodness he was talented .

Then up to the local bar for a quick Ricard.

Is it just me? I cannot help but think Jean looks like a poor mans Dustin Hoffman .

Stats for today 

Walked 13 miles

Distance to go 293 miles 

Distance covered140 miles.

Elevation gain 781 feet

Elevation loss 2008 feet.

I am reliably informed the weather is going to get better tomorrow.


  1. How does he keep those glasses on he hasn't got an arm this side?? Ha ha xx

    1. Jeans glasses crack me up, sadly he has got some new ones, I am still going strong

  2. Mmm the bread looks yummy! I always love those gites with no choice food.
