Sadly all our plans went out of the window as my conjunctivitis has got a lot worse and we decided to get to our next destination so I could see a doctor, I phoned ahead to the hotel we were going to be staying at and they got an appointment arranged for me.
We were on the road by 0830, needless to say it was raining. I think I was sporting a slight hangover.

This is were I go for the sympathy vote, my eyes are so sticky I am having trouble seeing what I am writing.
The hills just kept on coming.
I considered hitching a lift.
This one is for you Guy.
What a beauty.
Girls at the office this one is for you.
Dog on a blog reluctant super star.
These French dogs always show their best side.
Navarrenx could not come soon enough as far as I concerned, all I cared about was seeing a doctor as I was having trouble seeing the markers.
What has really surprised me is that I have not seen a pothole since I started my walk and believe you me I have seen some roads.
Finally we arrived at Navarrenx.
We checked into our hotel, then repaired to the bar and awaited Jean and Jean Michelle.
We did not have to wait long!!!
Stats for today.
Walked 14 miles
Steps taken 33000
Today was a really tough hilly walk, probably not helped by the hpunishing pace to get here quickly.
Only 33 miles to go and three days
to do it in, it does not sound a lot on paper, I suspect the Camino will prove otherwise, it normally does !!!!
We are back walking with Jean and Jean Michlee tomorrow as we intend to walk over the finishing line together on Thursday, that is if everything goes to plan !!!!
Stunning pix as ever - hope you've escaped suppositories (!) and the meds do the trick. Look forward to seeing your last few days with Martin
ReplyDeleteThankfully no suppositories, just about everything else though.
ReplyDeleteCannot believe I have only got 3 days left, I might just finish this walk yet!!!!
Tough going for you lads...Love your attention to detail on STS !
ReplyDeleteEnjoying every minute of the blog.
Hope the medication works PJ.
Miss you and good luck for tomorrow x
Sadly eyes still bad which is a bit worrying, only two days to go!!!!! X