Thursday, 19 May 2016

Day 16 Cahors to Montcug

We arranged to meet for breakfast at 0730 and were on the road by 0800, Sheila and Jeremy were going to have a tough introduction to the Le Puy.

Within seconds of crossing the bridge we were climbing .

The countryside was begining to change it had  a more Mediterranean feel about it.

Pease note scallop.

It was not long before we saw my dear friend Jean.

A huge moment for me when we arrived at Lascabanes, I was halfway through my journey, it is down hill from here on in.

We stopped for a healthy picnic and Sheila made sure I ate some raw Mange Tout.

On we went, yet  again towns were few and far between 

We stopped at this lovely chapel and Sheila placed a candle in memory of Mark,  her husband  my brother and Jeremy's cousin.

We paid our respects and left quietly thinking about dear Mark.

The little chapel at St Jean was so beautiful .

We were getting very tired by now, we still had 4 miles to go and we had covered  18 miles.


After 22 miles, we finally arrived at Montug.

Time for a quick beer and some water.

We checked into our beautiful hotel and just when I thought I would have a bath and relax the phone rang and it was Jean and the team, they had got a taxi to meet us to congratulate us on our long walk, what a bunch of wags !!!

I do love them so !!!
Time for a fine meal .

Find the socks, today is a real challenge, remember no zooming in !!!

They are there I promise.

Dog on a blog hot on the heals of find the socks, I am spoiling you !!!

Today has been another long day, I cannot believe I have walked  23 miles or so, being with Jeremy and Sheila has given me a real lift, coupled with the fact I am over halfway now. I feel the worst is behind me, time will tell !!!

Stats for today

Walked  23. 8 miles

Distance covered 234 miles

Distance to go 220 miles 

Elevation gain 2228 feet

Elevation loss 2012 feet.

I have nearly made £5000 so far for the Army Benevolent Fund ,thank you to you all for your generosity .
A huge thank you to Sheila and Jeremy for making the huge effort to join me, it has made a real difference to my moral.


  1. Trouble finding um socks. Are they hanging out the basket on the beam ?? C'est impossible ! Love to Jeremy and Sheila x

  2. No my lovely sis they are not !!! Look to the left by the net curtain..
    My best so far , wish you were here .

  3. Wauw. Thats a long day, Peter.
    Good company you are keeping... :)

    1. I am Martin , such lovely people , I am looking forward to you becoming part of the team

  4. Wauw. Thats a long day, Peter.
    Good company you are keeping... :)

  5. Ah yes, have spotted the little beauties!! Perfect setting for STS in that proper Aladdin's cave... I wush I was there too my lovely bro ... x
